Friday, March 13, 2009

A poem in search of a title. For extra points, guess what it's about.

on the trail of the sun, the border
in Sonora Desert disappears, an empty intersection
late at night where traffic lights flash

red& green at once, a signal meaning
yellow, which itself is understood to say
some word with meaning everywhere

but here, the morning bears a tinseled cactus
Christmas gift of freedom -- Freedom, Arizona,
floats upon the dead sea, paling dawn

mirage, night’s last star of wonder-
ing what dreams may come upon a midnight
clear of roadblocks to magnetic north,

a quick trip over sagebrush hills into haze
where oases bend the cacti into palms:
broadleaf trees the size of hands, a paradise

so close it feels like dirt – or sand
that tries to pass as water in this garden,
flowing down the throat to choke us


Diana said...

I'm partial to this one.
clear mirage
mirage scrolls
clear border
I'm just a scientist, what's it about?

the_cynic said...

For a while, I was pretty obsessed with yellow traffic lights. I have the one at North St. and Winooski (?) captured on film.

Pedler said...

North Winooski? In front of Dave's Grill? Was there a traffic light there?